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In Category - Music
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THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MUSIC GAME This book will give you a real look on the music game. Dj franchise holds nothing back with this book. Make sure you get your copy right now... This book is not for the week!
THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MUSIC GAME!! Are you ready for the truth about the music game? This book is not for the week, so get ready to go in with your boy!! Dj Franchise hits you with the real truth about the music game and how you can make the right moves for your music. If you're an artist that's looking to see what's really going on in the world of music, this book has what you need. This e-book has many people shaking their heads about the music industry. This book will show you how to make the right moves that the big labels keep from you.  #1: Someone will discover you without a great  recording. #2: If you email and call enough people, someone will give you a chance… #3: You don’t need a great sounding music demo, any demo will be fine… #4: If you have a computer, you can get a program and do you own music demos… #5: You should send your music demo out to record companies in order to get signed. #6: The record company will develop you as an artist #7: If you get a record deal, you’ll be rich #8: Bottom Line...... #9: The secret Hot Souce on How to kill on Spotify without playlists Page 2 #10:Record Deal Scam's #11: How to Avoid Paylola And More Music Scams!! #12: But But But, Playlist #13: Streams / Fans. Monthly Listeners/ Fans #14: It's Time To Break Away From The Obsessive Playlist Mentality! #15: A Solid Ratio Is 5% (Followers To Monthly Listeners). #16: Utilizing Direct Marketing To Grow Your Audience On Spotify And Instagram #17: The Truth Behind Spotify: What Happens When Radio Goes On-Demand #18: Since you are a professional artist, you are now a business owner.

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